Jenn & Katie are excited to be holding a retreat in March 2020 in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Want to join us? It's going to be a wonderful weekend of growth and release.
Connect. Experience. Heal. Release.
Deeply understand your soul's journey
Activate and expand your intuitive abilities
Experience contact with galactic beings
Move forward on your soul's mission
Release what is holding you back
Connect deeply with others
Friday March 13 - Sunday 15, 2020 Arrive 4pm Friday Leave 12pm Sunday
Investment: $475 Early Bird RSVP by 12/31/19
$495 After
Must RSVP by 3/1/20
(lodging and meals included)
Sevenoaks Retreat Center - Blue Ridge Mountains
Meals: Sevenoaks has a fabulous menu with fresh organic food. Find out more here: https://www.sevenoaksretreat.org/dining/
Agenda: Friday evening – Welcoming meditation to set the tone and intentions for the weekend, bon fire to let things go with ceremony
Saturday morning – Ascension, mind/body/spirit consciousness, connecting to your mission, and experience oneness to move beyond forgiveness
Saturday afternoon – Connect and/or deepen connection with your guides, activation with angels, ascended masters and galactic energies, practice receiving guidance
Saturday evening – Outdoor galactic contact with our guides and positive, high level interdimensional friends
Sunday morning – Gratitude hike
To find out more, you can contact Jennifer.