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Carol Wetherill,




Integrative Nutrition and Wellness Coaching, Certified Quantum Touch Practitioner, Reiki, Transpersonal Education, Spiritual Direction, Certified Quantum Touch Level 1 Instructor


I have been working with people who want to improve their health and well-being for over 25 years. I offer a holistic approach to working with the Body, Mind, and Spirit, to invite wholeness and wellness. I believe in the inherent wisdom of the Self to heal, and connection to Spirit and all of creation.

I am dedicated to empowering clients to experience enjoyment, authenticity and wellness in their lives, striving to meet each client’s needs with integrity and excellence.​

I partner with people to explore their possibilities and full potential in the role of coach, spiritual mentor, bodyworker, or transpersonal teacher. Through years of education and experiential learning, I have developed a gentle approach to working with the whole person to invite and promote pain relief, ease in movement, balance, harmony, and personal growth in their lives

In my role as a nutrition wellness coach, you and I explore all areas of nurturing well-being. Wellness and nutrition is not just about healthy food, it’s about aspects of your life such as movement, creativity, joy, spirituality, relationships, and much more.  It’s about wholeness and wellness of You and living your best life as possible. Together we work to articulate your goals and then set manageable tasks along the way to achieve them. Most people know what they need to do, but often lack support to see a complex process to completion. That’s where a coach can help keep your biggest asset to keep you on track and support you as you grow into areas that may be challenging.

One of the biggest areas that most of us need support in, is the vital area of de-stressing. This may be stress relief from any perspective of the body mind or spirit. In working with the whole being at deeper levels we can address the superficial symptoms that often arise out of imbalances at deeper levels.

I use Energy modalities such as Quantum Touch and Reiki to quiet not only the body, but also the mind. By offering a variety of modalities I am best able to meet peoples varied needs.

I am also trained to help clients stress in the areas of Mind and Spirit.  I offer opportunities to learn practices like meditation, attend reiki shares, or explore spiritual mentoring. These practices invite clients to explore and expand upon their spiritual nature as a source of Inner knowing which can be beneficial in relieving stress.

I love to learn and am excited to provide learning and growing opportunities for others so that everyone can explore and move toward greater health in body, mind and spirit.


  • Masters of Transpersonal Psychology

  • Interfaith Ministry/Spiritual Counseling

  • Related Massage Therapy Continuing Education


  • Certification: Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach; Certified Coaching Practitioner

  • Licensed: Massage Therapist: DMHH of MD; Board Certified American Massage Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Diploma Baltimore School of Massage

  • Certified Advanced Process Acupressure Practitioner, Soul Lightening

  • Certified Quantum Touch Practitioner

  • Certified Quantum Touch Level 1 Instructor

  • Certified Practitioner - Clinical Hypnotherapy,

  • Certificate: Reflexology,

  • Certificate: Trauma Healing

  • Member: Spiritual Directors International, Awake

  • Member: APA, Humanistic Psychology, Div. 32, Association of Transpersonal Psychology,

S E R V I C E S  O F F E R E D 

  • Integrative Nutrition and Health Coaching

  • Quantum Touch sessions and Classes

  • Reiki / Crystal Reiki

  • Spiritual Direction/Companioning

  • Mind – Body – Spirit focused education, mentoring 

  • Community Circles -Meditation, Reiki Shares, Quantum Touch, Lunch & Learn

Who Can Benefit?

Anyone looking to explore and expand their life’s well-being! As a coach I am here to help you grow.  As a bodyworker I am here to help relieve pain. As a teacher or mentor, I am here to help you learn and grow. I offer a variety of services and am also pleased to be working here at Nourishing Journey with many fine practitioners offering services to promote your health and wellbeing.



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  • Ascension, Activation & Energy Healing Group

​Disclaimer: All of the information presented by Nourishing Journey on this website or in any other way are for informational purposes only.  Unless you are consulting our medical staff, we do not prevent, diagnose or treat any disease or disorder. 

Please seek appropriate medical care for any health concerns.

​8975 Guilford Road, Suite 170, Columbia, MD 21046


Phone: 410-992-3001


Hours of Operation

10am - 5pm Monday through Saturday

Closed Sundays

​© 2017-2025. Nourishing Journey. All Rights Reserved.  

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